The Mindful Student

Fly Five’s The Mindful Student is a school-based mindfulness program that provides students with research-based tools, exercises, and strategies to build self-awareness and self-regulation skills so they can remain in control of their emotions, behavior, and actions. As a proactive discipline strategy, mindfulness supports intrinsic motivation, self-discipline, and autonomy in the classroom—all skills needed for students to achieve academic success.

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Listen to our guided meditation “How to Try Again,” as a reminder to see the world through a new lens—full of exciting possibilities. 

Take a Mindful Moment Now

Use our free gratitude journal downloadable to reflect on experiences, identify emotions, and reframe your thoughts, whenever you need to. Simply print it out, grab your favorite pen, and reset with gratitude.

The Mindful Student Components

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Mindfulness Lesson Cards

✔ 20 Lesson Cards

✔ Grade-Level Sets

✔ Flexible Implementation

A kindergarten to eighth-grade school-based mindfulness program that includes developmentally appropriate mindfulness activities aligned with the C.A.R.E.S. social and emotional competencies and standards.

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Mindfulness Mini-Course
for Adults

✔ Fully Asynchronous

✔ Duration: 2.5 hours

✔ Flexible Implementation

A deep dive into the science of mindfulness and an exploration of how to foster mindfulness as a proactive discipline strategy in classrooms and school communities across the globe.

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Want to learn more?

Discover How to Support Students’ Academic and Behavioral Success With a School-Based Mindfulness Program